Fontys University of Applied Sciences

WELCOME TO FONTYS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCESFontys is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands and offers a wide variety of Bachelor and Master programmes in Dutch and English. Students of more than 100 nationalities study at one of our campuses in the South of the Netherlands.Fontys was the name given to this University of Applied Sciences on 1 September 1996.The name, that derives from the Latin word ‘fons’, meaning ‘source’, refers to the university as a source of knowledge for our students. Fontys is the result of a merger between several Dutch institutions of higher education across the southern Netherlands. A number of these institutions were founded in the early 1900s, and can look back on along and proud history in education.

    Dutch universities offer the largest number of English-taught programmes in continental Europe. More than 2,100 programmes are taught entirely in English. Also, 95% of the Dutch speak English, so it’s easy tocommunicate in daily life.
    The quality of Dutch institutions is wellrecognised. The tuition fees and cost of living are considerably lower than in English-speaking countries. Also, there are lots of scholarship opportunities. The Dutch teaching style is interactive and studentcentred. You will develop valuable skills such as analysing, solving practical problems and creative thinking.
    Holland's many international students come from more than 160 different countries. Dutch society is diverse and inclusive. It is strongly connected to other cultures, the business community and the world. The Dutch are open-minded and direct, so it is easy to meet them and exchange ideas. 
    Holland is one of the safest countries in the world, according to the 2018 Global Peace
    index and belongs to the top 10 happiest countries in the world. Read more about the
    good Dutch standard of living in the OECD’s Better Life Index. Holland has a rich history
    with historic cities and the highest museum density in the world. Also, Holland is the
    gateway to Europe! In just three hours you can be in Paris. London and Berlin are just a
    five or six hour train ride away.
    Holland is the 18th largest economy in the world. Some of the world’s biggest multinationals, including Philips, ASML, Heineken, KLM, Shell, ING and Unilever, are Dutch. Holland is a world leader in many areas of expertise, including agriculture, water management, art & design, logistics and sustainable energy.


Fontys University of Applied Sciences


Personal attentionWe offer inspiring, challenging, high-quality higher education with a focus on conducting
practical research that is meaningful for society. We enhance our students’ contribution to society by providing them   with an open-minded learning environment in which they are part of an   (inter)national community. Within this supportive environment, our staff   provide personal guidance to allow students to excel in developing their   talents.

 Partnership with the region
 Fontys provides both education and research opportunities. As a broad-   based university, we are the largest public knowledge institution in the   southern Netherlands. Our goal is to become a driving force for   innovation by linking education and research to innovation processes   inside and beyond our local region. Thanks to the diversity of its   education and research programmes, Fontys makes a considerable   impact on every sector of society across the region. Based on the key positions we occupy in each of these sectors, no one living or working in the southern Netherlands remains unaffected by the activities of Fontys, either directly or indirectly. 


 We train large groups of talented young adults in a whole variety of   professions. In many cases, even after they have
 graduated, we are fortunate enough to continue to meet them as   colleagues, as internship coaches, as partners in cooperation and   research, or as professionals who are keen to further enrich or deepen their knowledge in their own field of interest. We regard ourselves as a knowledge and innovation partner for professionals across the surrounding region(s).

TEC for society society
Our education and research activities are intertwined with the demands and needs of our students, both current and future, a wide range of professionals and the (regional) community. Together with our partners in society, we aim to assist in  formulating ideas, addressing problems and undertaking research in order to come up with solutions for the issues and questions of the future. This collaboration relies on a set of knowledge and skills in Technology, Entrepreneurship and Creativity.
By mastering these skills, students at Fontys develop an eye for social innovation and an
understanding of how technology can generate valuable solutions. Those same students also
gain the courage to seek and to accept creative cooperation from a variety of disciplines. 

In other words, our graduates, lecturers and researchers are all making use of their TEC skills in delivering a proactive contribution towards a sustainable and fair society. TEC for society.

FONTYS IS LOCATED AT THE HEART OF THE NETHERLANDS' MOST DYNAMIC REGIONWe are located in the most innovative region in the Netherlands and perhaps thewhole of Europe. It is the most exciting possible place to be for anyone with an interest in technology, entrepreneurship and creativity. The buzz surrounding our Brainport region – a place we are proud to call home – is felt in practically every corner of the globe. Every location of our
university of applied sciences is within a few hours’ travel of the country’s largest and most important cities. There are also six major airports within a 150 km radius, making travel home – or to any other international destination – easy and convenient.


 Eindhoven - Brainport - Europe’s leading innovative top   technology region
 Fontys Campus Eindhoven is at the heart of the Brainport   region, a centre of science and technology of international   renown, and the perfect environment in which to study and   start your career as a professional in ICT, Engineering,   Business, Physiotherapy or Medical Imaging and Radiotion   Therapy (MIRT). Eindhoven is the fifth largest city in the Netherlands and is dominated by industrial development, with links to Philips, ASML, DAF and many other high-tech companies that have long been a magnet for knowledge workers and students from abroad. Eindhoven is a lively, modern student city and home to three universities: the University of Technology Eindhoven, the Design Academy and Fontys.


Tilburg - Creative Economy hub
Tilburg is a dynamic city situated at the heart of the region. With a rich cultural heritage and well-known for its many arts events and festivals, Tilburg is also home to a number of cultural institutions. With a population of just over 214,000, Tilburg is the sixth largest city in the Netherlands. Its down-to-earth residents are no strangers to foreign influence and Tilburg is currently witnessing explosive growth in the numbers of international students and expats who have been attracted to the city by the presence of so many multinationals, including Tesla, FUJIFILM, Sony, Ericsson, Schenker Logistics and Coca-Cola.
Tilburg Campus is located on the outskirts of the city and is serviced by excellent bus connections and safe cycling routes. 

The impressive Arts Cluster can be found in the city centre, but besides culture and the arts, Tilburg has much more to offer to its student population, for example a vibrant student life. More than 30,000 students study at Tilburg’s universities and their presence has helped to transform the city into a hub for creativity and innovation.

Venlo - Where Business, Logistics and
Technology come together
 In Venlo, a mid-size city located at the   DutchGerman border, Fontys offers students a   career in one of Europe’s strongest economic   regions.
 The proximity to Germany, the Meuse river
 and six surrounding airports make Venlo one
 of Europe’s most important business and
 logistics hotspots.
 Venlo’s entrepreneurial spirit and engineering
 power is renowned in the field of high tech, agro   manufacturing, and retail. US companies such as   Amway, Océ/Canon, Office Depot or world-leading   local companies such as automotive supplier Inalfa   Roof Systems make Venlo a knowledge-intensive and attractive region to study and start a career.
Venlo’s international focus and strong sense of entrepreneurship are visible in all study
programmes at Fontys Venlo through different projects of which many are conducted in
cooperation with companies. The Start-up Factory of our business programmes and the
Software Factory of our IT programmes are only two of the many examples of these projects.
Also, the city of Venlo is a safe place to live, study and work. Students can walk on the streets at any time, day and night without being afraid. It is an attractive city with pleasant, friendly streets, beautiful parks, a lively and attractive centre with a big range of cultural and sports activities.

Fontys University of Applied Sciences


Fontys offers 30 international Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in English, covering a wide range of fields of study including ICT, Engineering, Fine and Performance Arts, Marketing, Business, Communication, Physiotherapy and Medical Imaging and Radiaton Therapy (MIRT).

Large numbers of international students also attend our 50 English-taught exchange programmes.Our study programmes are very diverse, offering a mix of theory, applied knowledge, internships and graduation assignments. Part of our study programmes is the minor, that offers students the opportunity to broaden or deepen their knowledge. Minors can be followed either at Fontys or another Dutch University (of applied sciences, or research institution) or abroad, at one of our many international partner universities.


Fontys University of Applied Sciences


Admission requirementsProspective undergraduates (Bachelor) students must be in the possession of a certificate of higher secondary education equivalent to the Dutch standard. Download our brochure to find your more about how to apply or send a mail to info@goingdutch.itEnglish languageAll our English-taught programmes require a minimum level of proficiency in the English language. You must be able to demonstrate your level of English language proficiency by submitting evidence in the form of alanguage test result.Check out our website for details of the specific language proficiency skills required for each study programme and what applies to you.HOW TO APPLYSpecific admission requirements and application procedures apply to each studyprogramme. Please refer to our local partner goingdutch to learn more:

Closing Dates for application for a Bachelor's programme are: September intake:1 June - all programmes for all Non-EU students
15 June - all programmes for all EU students

February intake:15 November - ICT programmes Eindhoven and IB Venlo

Tuition fees
Tuition fees for students starting a Bachelors programme in September 2024:
€ 2,530 € EU students

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

THE FONTYS EXPERIENCETo help you get a taste of our culture, to better understand our teaching methods and to learn more about life as a student at Fontys, we organise online open days, webinars, fairs, student-for-a-day events and individual visits, for prospective students. 

We also attend international education fairs and organise  school visits abroad. In addition, you can arrange a ‘virtual’ meeting by joining our webinars or participating in online   activities such as online study previews. The best way to   get to know the campus and the atmosphere at Fontys is of   course a visit to our university.Take the opportunity to meet   lecturers, students and maybe even your future classmates.



Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Download the brochure of Fontys University


